Assignment (Final exam) Requirement: Write a perl program to join two tables (two files) into one table. The data are from a real dataset. 1) the first file (male.sp4): is an output from signalP4 program to predict signal peptide from a set of protein sequences. You need to first retrieve the value in column 9 (N or Y) for each ID, Y means there is signal peptide, N means no signal peptide. 2) the 2nd file (ps.parse): this file is from PS-scan (or called scan-prosite) for proteins having an ER retention signal. Your program should be able to join the results from the two files to produce a single table (values is tab-delimited). For example your perl program is called "", it run like below: $perl input1(male.sp4) input2(ps.parse) output The output file has a format like below: The first column is ID, 2nd column is Y or N (you get from column 9 of the 1st file), the 3rd column is the value of "-" (if ID is not found in the second file) or "ER" (the ID is found in second file). Please note: for your first file, the values are seperated by 1 or more space, thus, may try to use following code to split: @tmpA = split (/[\s+]/, $line); Note: a good program should check the IDs in both files, as the IDs may not be identical, i. e., IDs in one file may not be in other file.